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Do I need to be at a certain athletic level to train?

No I have experience working with athletes of all levels, all I expect is that you minimize variables and bring full effort regularly.

How do we stay in touch?

A good start is a trusty GPS watch and monitoring app.  I can see what you are doing and prescribe workouts based on where you are and where you want to go.  Happy to speak on the phone to explain things or we can communicate through your training log

How does training differ from beginners to experts?

Capacity/Intensity/Volume - we can add more layers the more experience you are.  This is based on training age and possibly actual age.  Not all youngsters need the mileage some of us have other training constraints.

Do I need to be at a certain athletic level to train?

The more you have to work with the better, but I am happy to start anywhere.   My expectations will be highly correlated to your goals.

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