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Coach Cap’s training has definitely helped me to become a stronger, speedier, and more confident distance runner. I have improved in all of my events because of his training which focuses on growing endurance and speed. His experience as a coach has led him to be wise and careful when helping athletes set attainable goals. He constantly encourages us to be better, faster, and give 100% effort. He also helped to strengthen my mental toughness during races which has allowed me to focus more and compete at a higher level. He looks at the “big picture” while also taking into account the specifics of individual athletes. He has shown me how to play to my strengths during workouts and races. Coach Cap has instilled a lifelong love of running and competing in me and I have learned so much from him about running efficiently and training effectively.

Celia Holmes 1500,3k,5k, XC Baylor University

My daughter attended the Baylor Cross Country Camp in June 2021.  Despite the COVID restrictions on campus limiting the structure of the camp, my daughter had a great time and learned a great deal including extended warm-up & cool down routines, how to structure her training & recovery to optimize her results and the proper way to fuel her body.  Coach Cap and the camp staff ran a top notch camp!

Robert Pavese, father of camper 2021

Coach Cap’s guidance was at the core of what elevated my running career to the next level. While I was coached by him I competed at the highest tier of my potential, and he’s provided that same opportunity to countless others.

Perhaps what I appreciated most about Coach Cap was that he’s a studier of his craft. He’s a consumate learner and that’s invaluable to know about the person you are trusting with your training. I was always 100% confident the workouts he put together were an informed balance of years of experience and the sport’s latest schools of thought.

I will forever be grateful for the down-to-earth approach he takes with his athletes. He’s kind, fair, sincere, and deeply invested in each person’s success. I will always know him as one of the most influential people in my life.

Brandon Reed 5k, 10k, XC Baylor University

A coach with as much experience as Coach Cap rarely displays his levels of humility, adaptability, and compassion in coaching.  He maintains a professional coach/athlete relationship, but serves as a mentor and challenges his athletes' personal growth too.  He went out of his  way to make a place for me at Baylor, and challenged me to strive for my potential on the track.

Sarah Yokum, 400m Hurdles Baylor University

Coach Capron showed me how to run fast, but instilled much more beyond the stopwatch. Coach Capron leads by example in his humility, character, faith, and personal development. What I appreciated about Cap’s coaching is how individual his workouts were and how they catered to my own running development. Cap’s workouts are a recipe for lifelong running success—I still use many of Cap’s formula’s, drills, and strategies today. Coach Capron cared for me more than just who I was as a runner, he believed in who I was as a person, and I am grateful for his investment into my life. When I think of Coach Capron, I think of a man who is diligent and faithful who embodies Galatians 6:9. I strongly endorse Coach Capron as a running coach!

Matt Galvin 5k, 10k, XC Baylor University

Cap has been gifted with a unique ability to both highly motivate and challenge his athletes to achieve at all levels and to also come alongside them and develop them as an individual outside the sport. This pairing increased my enjoyment of running and my results as well - helping me to improve from a 5:10-miler/16:00-5k to a 4:20-mile/14:40-5k. I went on to compete post-collegiately in the marathon and maintain my love for the sport, and I credit a lot of that to Cap."

Jeff Sadler, 5k,10k, XC Baylor University

I was blessed to be under Cap's coaching for a few years during my collegiate track journey at Baylor University. Out of all the coaches I have had throughout my life, Cap is the one I will never forget.  He is more than just a coach.  He is a mentor, a friend, a listening ear.  I will forever respect the care and value Cap steward his gift of coaching with.

  Venae Jessurn 400m Hurdles Baylor University

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